Digital ColorChecker SG 是一个特别为数码影像行业设计的非常适合此行业的亚光颜色测量色板。它包含140个颜色块。使用者能用它测量和还原数码复制品的真实色彩场景、为数码相机和扫描仪制作白平衡、用此表和创建特性文件的软件相结合还能创建您数码相机的ICC特性文件。
140色参照色,可形成用于准确配置的数码相机的最广泛色域。配合爱色丽的Eye-One Match和ProfilesMaker5色彩管理软件中的数码相机模块使用。
尺寸:8.25×11 inches(21.59×27.94cm)
The new Digital ColorChecker Semi Gloss (SG) is specifically designed to meet
the needs of digital photography. Check and compare the digital reproduction of
a real scene or a test pattern, make a white balance with a digital camera, or
use the chart with camera profiling software to create an ICC profile of your
Obtain the most accurate digital camera profiles
Size: 8.5 x 11 in. (21.59 x 27.94 cm)
Number of Colors: 140
Description of Colors: Includes 24 patches from original ColorChecker, 17
step gray scale and 14 unique skin tone colors
Depending on use, it is recommended that you replace your ColorChecker
chart every two years to ensure correct color identification.
Designed to mirror all the colors you can see> 140 patches chosen specifically for their location in color space expand
the color gamut and allow you to create profiles that capture the full
capabilities of your digital camera and scanner.
> Includes standard ColorChecker chart colors. Many of these squares
represent natural objects of special interest, such as human skin, foliage and
blue sky. These squares are not only the same color as their counterparts, but
also reflect light the same way in all parts of the visible spectrum.
> More skin-tone reference colors deliver greater accuracy and consistency
over a wide variety of skin tones.
> Gray scale steps provide accurate control of camera balance and maintain a
neutral aspect regardless of light source.
> Sturdy, standardized target size of 8.5 x 11 inches (21.6 x 27.9 cm) easily
fits into a full frame shot.
Quality you can >
The Digital ColorChecker SG chart includes the highest quality color reference
standards available. GretagMacbeth and the Munsell Color Laboratory manufacture
products in conformance to the accreditation practices and procedures set forth
by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). All production
instrumentation and equipment is traceable to NIST. The GretagMacbeth Munsell
Color laboratory is an internationally recognized laboratory holding
accreditations from ISO 9001 and ISO 2000.
ColorChecker SG色卡代表进入数字时代的选择。它的颜色色块是以半光泽抛光而制作,提供更饱和的颜色,更白的白色和更黑的黑色,SG卡结合了ColorChecker标准色卡。并且提供更多的皮肤色调,灰度和色域。它的边缘也有一个中性颜色的色块环,以帮助确保照明的均匀。请您记住SG的使用方法与标准ColorChecker色卡是不同的。在拍照前,它不应该放置在现场。它是在可控制的环境里用来为数码相机建立ICC配置文件的,由于是半光泽抛光,把SG置于现场,而没有可控制照明,会造成镜面反射。为了减少反射,并为相机建立一个最佳ICC配置文件。您需要确保所有的照明都与SG卡呈45度角。使用SG卡时,应确保遵循ICC配置文件软件所提供的最佳做法。
上述数码ColorChecker SG 140色卡
数码ColorChecker SG (Digital ColorChecker SG)(140色)目前,还没有任何产品可在最大程度发挥数码相机功能方面能与之相提并论。它不仅包含标准版 ColorChecker,而且将所有色卡的优点集于一身。140种高饱和度的亚光色彩,可帮助您获得最大的相机色域,充分发挥数码相机的色彩表现能力。
标准版ColorChecker (Original ColorChecker)(24色)著名的24色色卡,为真实还原任何照明条件下任何介质上的图像色彩提供参照。其中的每种颜色都代表了自然物体的真实色彩,例如蓝天、肤色或树叶;而且反光率与真实物体相同。
自定义白平衡卡 (Custom White Balance)(白卡)提供了任意光线情况下绝对准确的白色还原。大多数白平衡卡达不到光谱中性,在不同照明条件下容易出现色彩偏移。
3级灰度卡 (3-Step Gray Scale)(黑白灰)借助ColorChecker 3级灰度卡,可实现图像平衡,并简化工作室光照的平衡工作。将白色、18%灰和黑色色标集中在一张卡片上,从而实现了在图片处理软件中进行快捷、简单的色彩调整。
便携色卡套装 (Go Anywhere Targets)
其产品可以协助DC/DV来决定白平衡、曝光等作业。标准版ColorChecker (Original ColorChecker)(24色)适用于拍摄电影,数码相片或录像,并且对于颜色很重要的客户群体。数码ColorChecker SG (Digital ColorChecker SG)(140色)其代表进入数字时代的必然选择,它的颜色色块是以半光泽抛光而制作,提供更饱和的颜色。更白的白色和更黑的黑色。SG色卡结合了ColorChecker标准色卡。并且提供更的皮肤色调,灰度和色域。